A Snorkeling Adventure into the Magnificent Waters of Mabul and Kapalai Islands-Borneo-

Welcome back, adventure seekers!

In this article, join me on my exciting journey of my unforgettable trip to the exotic and legendary destination of Borneo,  where I’ll take you through my unforgettable trip, exploring the stunning landscapes and vibrant culture of Malaysia, along with snorkeling and diving in this marine paradise .

Mabul Island, located off the southeastern coast of Sabah, Malaysia, is renowned for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine biodiversity. During my recent trip in March-April 2024, I was captivated by Mabul’s serene atmosphere and stunning beauty.



My adventure began with a delightful boat ride from Semporna. Upon arriving at Mabul, I was instantly captivated by the serene atmosphere and the island’s unique charm. Its bridges and stilt houses, reminiscent of Venice, provided a picturesque backdrop for my snorkeling escapades.

From my stilt house, perched over the water, I could observe countless fish and sea turtles—even at night! The enchantment of moonlit reflections and starry skies on the calm sea, punctuated by scattered fishing boats, created a unique poetic scene. Similarly, witnessing the spectacle of sunrise and sunset in complete silence and tranquility was truly awe-inspiring.

As a travel enthusiast passionate about responsible tourism and outdoor activities,  I couldn’t resist embarking on a snorkeling adventure to experience the breathtaking marine life, and I’m excited to share this journey with you!!


One of the highlights was snorkeling along the shallow depths surrounding Mabul and Kapalai islands, cherished by snorkeling enthusiasts and diving experts alike. The underwater world was a kaleidoscope of large sea turtles, manta rays, colorful fish, and exquisite corals.



I absolutely love snorkeling; it’s always exhilarating and provides a unique thrill. Exploring marine life, swimming in clear and pristine waters, far away from the coasts and chaos, surrounded only by fish, gives me an unmatched sense of freedom. Water is truly my element; it relaxes, rejuvenates, and fills me with positivity. I always seek it out when I’m in paradise-like destinations such as the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, and the Azores. It’s consistently exhilarating and provides a unique thrill.

I immersed myself in the warm waters and was immediately surrounded by a kaleidoscope of marine life. This underwater paradise teems with large sea turtles, manta rays, starfish, clownfish, butterflyfish, vibrant corals, and walls descending to depths of up to 30 meters. Schools of colorful rainbow fish and clownfish swam alongside countless other species in various hues—deep blues, fluorescents, bright yellows, and vivid reds, some of which I couldn’t even name. Graceful sea turtles peacefully nestled among the corals, while others gracefully danced through the waters, appearing to float like they were flying in an endless blue sky.

Filming these marine marvels felt like a scene from a National Geographic expedition!

After snorkeling, I’m always thrilled… and hungry! However, upon returning to the boat, my first priority is to hydrate with fresh water.

This step is crucial because swimming for more than an hour in open seas, under the scorching sun, and in salty waters can lead to dehydration without us realizing it. To avoid discomfort, sudden fatigue, headaches, and sunburns, it’s essential to hydrate well, protect ourselves with SPF 50 sunscreen, and wear shirts to shield our exposed backs from the powerful equatorial and tropical sun rays while in the water.

I highly recommend this activity to anyone exploring these remote lands.

Additionally, I want to emphasize the importance of preserving our marine environments.

During my visit, I personally collected plastic bottles and debris trapped among the corals.

It’s critical to understand the harm caused to the ecosystem and marine life by littering and pollution.

If we cherish nature and revel in swimming in pristine waters, we should act responsibly to preserve their integrity. It’s crucial not to litter, pollute, or harm the wonderful ecosystem that nature has bestowed upon us. Let’s show respect for nature by ensuring that these pristine waters remain untouched. The local guides who accompanied us are dedicated to sustainable tourism and marine conservation, ensuring these underwater treasures remain untouched for future generations.

I encourage all visitors to be mindful and to collect any litter encountered, even if it wasn’t left by them, and bring it back to the boat. This simple action contributes to the preservation and care of our planet—our home—and each small effort makes a meaningful difference.

For a sneak peek into this aquatic adventure, check out videos on my Instagram (@ilatraveltips) or Facebook (Ilaria Bonfante) page. Join me in celebrating responsible tourism and outdoor exploration while protecting our planet—one dive at a time.